Active Indoor Games for Preschoolers

Keeping preschoolers engaged and active indoors can be challenging, especially when space and resources are limited. However, with a bit of creativity and planning, parents and educators can ensure that young children stay physically active, develop essential skills, and have fun. Here, we explore various active indoor games that are perfect for preschoolers. These activities not only promote physical health but also enhance cognitive and social skills.

Importance of Active Indoor Games

Active play is crucial for preschoolers as it helps in their physical development, including muscle growth, coordination, and motor skills. Additionally, it fosters creativity, problem-solving abilities, and social interaction. Engaging in active indoor games also helps in expending energy, reducing stress, and improving overall well-being.

Popular Active Indoor Games for Preschoolers

1. Musical Chairs

Musical chairs is a classic game that combines music, movement, and excitement. Set up a circle of chairs with one fewer chair than the number of children. Play music and have the children walk around the chairs. When the music stops, they must quickly find a chair to sit on. The child left standing is out, and a chair is removed for the next round. This game promotes listening skills, quick reflexes, and social interaction.

2. Simon Says

Simon Says is a fun and engaging game that helps preschoolers improve their listening and following directions. One child or an adult acts as “Simon” and gives commands starting with “Simon says.” Children must only follow commands that begin with “Simon says.” If they follow a command without “Simon says,” they are out of the game. This game enhances attention, listening skills, and self-regulation.

3. Obstacle Course

Creating an indoor obstacle course is a great way to keep preschoolers active. Use household items like cushions, chairs, and blankets to set up a course that children can crawl under, jump over, and maneuver around. This activity promotes physical fitness, coordination, and problem-solving as children figure out how to navigate the course.

4. Treasure Hunt

A treasure hunt is an exciting way to engage preschoolers in active play. Hide small toys or treats around the house and give the children clues to find them. You can create a map or use riddles to make the hunt more challenging. This game encourages critical thinking, teamwork, and physical activity as children search for hidden treasures.

5. Dance Party

A dance party is a fantastic way to get preschoolers moving and having fun. Play some lively music and let the children dance freely. You can introduce simple dance moves or have them imitate animals or characters. Dancing helps improve coordination, rhythm, and self-expression while providing a great cardiovascular workout.

Educational Active Indoor Games

Incorporating educational elements into active indoor games can enhance learning while keeping children engaged. Here are a few educational active indoor games for preschoolers:

1. Alphabet Scavenger Hunt

An alphabet scavenger hunt combines learning and physical activity. Write letters of the alphabet on pieces of paper and hide them around the house. Children must find the letters and match them to objects that start with each letter. This game promotes letter recognition, vocabulary development, and physical movement.

2. Number Hopscotch

Number hopscotch is a fun way to teach numbers and counting. Use masking tape to create a hopscotch grid on the floor and write numbers in each square. Children hop on one foot or two, counting aloud as they go. This game improves number recognition, counting skills, and balance.

3. Shape Sorting

Shape sorting is an excellent game for teaching shapes and enhancing fine motor skills. Cut out different shapes from colored paper and scatter them around the room. Provide children with a sorting box or containers labeled with each shape. Children must find the shapes and place them in the correct container. This game promotes shape recognition, sorting skills, and hand-eye coordination.

4. Color Match Relay

Color match relay is a game that combines color recognition and physical activity. Place colored objects or cards around the room. Divide children into teams and give each team a colored basket. Children must race to find objects that match the color of their basket and bring them back. This game enhances color recognition, teamwork, and physical fitness.

Creative Active Indoor Games

Creativity can transform everyday activities into exciting indoor games. Here are a few creative active indoor games for preschoolers:

1. Balloon Volleyball

Balloon volleyball is a safe and fun game that can be played indoors. Use a balloon and a piece of string or a ribbon as the net. Children can use their hands or small paddles to hit the balloon over the net. This game improves hand-eye coordination, reflexes, and teamwork.

2. Animal Parade

Animal parade is a game where children imitate different animals. Call out the name of an animal, and children must move like that animal. For example, they can hop like a frog, waddle like a duck, or slither like a snake. This game encourages imaginative play, physical movement, and gross motor skills.

3. Indoor Bowling

Indoor bowling is a fun and simple game that can be set up with household items. Use empty plastic bottles as pins and a soft ball as the bowling ball. Children take turns rolling the ball to knock down the pins. This game improves coordination, aim, and patience.


Active indoor games are essential for the healthy development of preschoolers. They provide physical exercise, enhance cognitive and social skills, and keep children entertained. Whether through classic games like musical chairs and Simon Says, educational activities like alphabet scavenger hunts and number hopscotch, or creative games like balloon volleyball and animal parade, there are plenty of ways to keep preschoolers active and engaged indoors. Incorporating a variety of these games into daily routines can ensure that preschoolers stay active, learn new skills, and have fun, even when they are indoors. If you’re looking for a Preschool in Ahmedabad that focuses on active indoor games to help lay a strong foundation for their future physical, cognitive, and social development, consider Apples and Bananas Preschool in Ahmedabad.

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